Where can you go?

The list of countries where UNA Exchange has partners can be found below. Our partner information page has direct links to their websites for more information.

Please do not contact our partners directly with queries as they will need to refer any questions from the UK back to us. Our Volunteer Abroad Coordinator will be able to answer most queries about our partners’ programmes. 

North America, Europe, Japan and Korea: 
Austria  Finland  Latvia  Slovakia 
Belarus  France  Lithuania  Slovenia 
Belgium  Georgia  Moldova  Spain 
Bulgaria  Germany  Montenegro  Sweden 
Canada  Greece  Netherlands  Switzerland 
Croatia  Iceland  Poland  Turkey 
Czech Republic  Italy  Romania  Ukraine 
Denmark  Japan  Russia  USA 
Estonia  Korea  Serbia   
Latin America, Africa and Asia 
Argentina Indonesia Mozambique Togo
Bangladesh  Kenya  Nigeria
Botswana  Malawi Peru
Ecuador  Malaysia  Philippines Zambia
Ghana  Mexico  Taiwan
Hong Kong  Mongolia  Tanzania  
India Morocco  Thailand
Middle East and Central Asia 
Armenia  Israel  Jordan  Kyrgystan